Landing Page Creation 

Landing Page Creation

Currently, dozens of online platforms offer the most varied ways to create Landing Pages, so the choice can seem complex. But it doesn’t have to be.

Firstly, it is important to mention that in general, they all work in more or less the same way, that is, the way of structuring the landing page, the customization options, and the layout of the sites themselves are very similar between them.  

Almost all of these platforms offer several pre-made Templates, font customization options, shadows, colors, visual effects, and every resource imaginable.  

As such, the question arises as to which one should be chosen.  

The first thing that should be said is that almost all websites have two models, one free and one paid. Never, under any circumstances, should you pay for one of the services without having properly tried the free model!  

To do this, it is important that you first register on two or three platforms, take the free trial, and only then choose one of them.  

In the future, we will talk about some of these platforms and give our preference…  

Another important aspect is that you should never forget that the Landing Page must be connected to other services such as email capture, contact list, and payments, among others, so before choosing a platform you should investigate what it is like. connection with these services. 




As previously mentioned, almost all platforms offer various tools to customize your landing page, something that at first can create the so-called “God syndrome”, that is, we have a blank page where everything is possible but we don’t even know where to go. to start.  

Given this, it is undoubtedly best to choose a predefined layout and work from there.  

However, some tips are important and should not be forgotten:  

  • Ensure that the Landing Page contains several blank spaces, that is, that it is not filled with information. This is very important so that the reader does not feel overwhelmed with information.  
  • Maintain a clean presentation, something that looks modern and simple. A great help is to see what the competition is doing so you can get some ideas.  
  • Use of graphic elements that facilitate reading. It is important to guide the reader to what you most want to highlight, such as a CTA (Call to Action), a Promotion, or something unique that your offer should be highlighted by the use of arrows, colors, frames, and other elements. that make them stand out. Attention: do not exaggerate so as not to turn your Landing Page into a kind of popular fair.  
  • Pay close attention to colors! It is a very common mistake for beginners to assign colors that are too bright and too contrasting with each other. The use of color is extremely important and therefore must be done intelligently and logically. Choose a set of 3 colors and work with them. You can choose different intensities and lighting effects, but it is important to maintain visual color on the page.  
  • The use of good images is another extremely important element as it can capture the reader’s attention and in turn, achieve more conversions. In the future, we will publish a text dedicated to the choice of images. It is important to remember that you must be careful when taking images online as many of them are protected by copyright.  
  • Another fundamental aspect is the balanced choice of font and its size. A very common mistake is finding Landing Pages either with just one font or with too many fonts. A balance must be found in which titles can have one font and the body text another. As mentioned above, in the future there will be a publication dedicated to this topic. 


Domain and Title 


Never forget one thing, you can make the most beautiful, captivating, and organized Landing Page in the world, but if you don’t have a good domain, almost no one will open it. It is also important to remember that your blog or landing page must gain ranking in Google’s SEO and for this to happen it is mandatory to have an eye-catching domain.  

But what exactly does that consist of?  

The domain of a landing page, that is, the name under which it is registered, must be as short, synthetic, clear, and easy to remember as possible. It must be directly related to the theme of the landing page and must unambiguously reflect the content of your offer.  

In the same sense, the title must follow the same rules and preferably the title and domain must be the same.  

It is also important to remember that the title is the first thing the reader reads, so it should instantly answer the question “What page is this?”. 



Over the next few weeks, we will talk a little more about creating a Landing Page, how to do it, tips, help, recommended sites, and much more. Are there any questions I can help you with? Comment below. 


Ricardo D’almeida

The Secret Money Sistem

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