How to Write a Good Blog Post?

How to Write a Good Blog Post

In a competitive world like the one we live in, it is important to maintain coherence in terms of the topics covered. Our blog must follow the same line of thought, it must be organized and focused on a certain topic. Of course, there may be slightly different posts, but when a reader visits your blog they automatically know what the main theme is.   

WordPress has the great advantage of giving you the option to put categories in your posts, so it’s easy to keep everything organized.   

To make a post is extremely simple, just go to the left sidebar, Post option, and then New Post. In this section, you will find the possibility of assigning the title, writing the text, placing images, videos, and everything you think is necessary.   

But the question still arises of how to write a good post.  

Blog Post Ideas

In this publication I will not talk in detail about the characteristics that a good text should have, this will be discussed in the future, but for now, I will list some very important tips here:   

  • The first thing to take into account is the title. It is extremely important as it is the first thing people will read, so it is best to be concise, preferably with few words, and the more appealing the better.   
  • The first two sentences of the post must be a summary and serve to better inform the reader about what they will read.   
  • Choosing your keywords well is essential, it’s a good idea to do some research on some of the terms that are being most searched for (not to be confused with the most viewed) and use them in your posts to give them more visibility.   
  • A good trick to gain views is to make lists as they are usually easy to make and tend to gain a lot of visibility.   
  • Creating internal links is a great way to connect the various posts, that is, in a given post, place a link to another post you have written. This allows you to keep the reader on your blog and give them access to everything they might need.   
  • Creating external links, that is, to websites outside your blog, can also be a way as Google considers that this gives relevance to your blog. However, you need to be very careful with this as it can cause the reader to leave your blog and never come back.   
  • The last thing, and perhaps the most important, is never to make spelling mistakes one likes reading a text with mistakes and it is something that automatically kills your credibility, so it is very important to pay attention to this point. A site that helps a lot is Grammarly, which does an excellent job in this aspect.  

Blog Headers

A post always has a title, however, it is also recommended that it have subtitles throughout the text to help better organize the information.   

For this, there is an extremely simple but very useful tool: the H1, H2 3 H3 headers.   

And how does this work?   

H1 is the title of the post, it should only be used there as it is the most important title.   

H2 are the subheadings that organize the text into several small chapters.   

H3 are divisions within chapters.   

Then there are H4, H5, and H6 which are divisions of subdivisions, but as a general rule, they are not very important.   

How important is this? If these headers were not used, Google will not be able to understand what the topic of your post is and as such it will not rank it, in other words, it will not appear anywhere.   

These headers allow Google to know exactly what topics are covered and therefore it is much easier for your post to appear in the respective searches.  

Add Images

Add Images


We all know that reading a huge post with just text can be extremely tiring, so the best way to change this is to add images to illustrate the text.   

Choosing images requires some care, especially about their quality, it is advisable to place images with a good resolution and that are directly related to the content of the post. Avoid general images as much as possible that add nothing to the content. Remember, a picture can be worth a thousand words, so use this to your advantage.   

Another important point is to always be careful with usage rights, if your image is taken from a website it is mandatory to make the appropriate reference.   

Another point that is very important, and often forgotten, is that Google cannot read the content of the image, so the only way to make it stand out is to place the Keywords in the image attributes when loading it. for the post.  

Content sharing

A factor that counts a lot for SEO is the possibility of certain content being shared. It’s the same with posts, so it’s very important that they can be shared on social networks and other sites.   

It is important that when we talk about the possibility of being shared we are referring to those buttons that normally come at the end of the page and that link directly to the various social networks.   

To be able to do this, the most recommended thing is to install the “Classic Editor” plug-in. It is extremely simple to operate and very useful.  


Blog Comments


Comments are the best way to create a direct connection between the blog owner and their customers, as such it is something that should be constantly encouraged. With WordPress, whenever you write a post it automatically places the comments box at the bottom, so in that aspect, you don’t have to worry.   

It is important to encourage the creation of comments, so a recommendation is that at the end of your posts, you always ask your readers a question or suggestion so that they feel included and want to interact.   

Important tip: it is a good idea to respond to your comments daily and eliminate spam as it reduces the credibility of your blog.  

Ecommerce System

Ecommerce System


An option that is relatively little known, but which can be extremely useful, is the possibility of connecting your blog, or Landing Page, with a service payment system. The great advantage of this is that it allows you to define the payment systems you want, keep customers always on your page, and have greater control over the way your readers carry out all transactions.   

To have this system, the most recommended method is to install the “WooCommerce” plugin, to do this simply search for that name in the “Add a Plugin” section and install it. Once done, you can choose which payment methods you accept and where the money should be sent.   

This plugin also allows you to automatically calculate tax amounts, issue invoices, and record all transactions, all with maximum security for both customers and the blog owner. 


Over the next few days, we will talk a little more about creating a WordPress page, how to do it, tips, help, and much more. Are there any questions I can help you with? Comment below.    


Ricardo D’almeida 

The Secret Money Sistem

"New Course Reveals How I Generate Up To $870.05 Per Day Using This Secret Money System That Runs On 100% FREE Traffic..."

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