After having talked about the different categories of Digital Marketing, it is essential to describe the best strategy to obtain the desired results.
However, firstly it is important to define the difference between the “Microenvironment” and the Macroenvironment”.
In the case of the Microenvironment, this is where the internal characteristics of the business are encompassed, that is, chosen products, working hours, budgets, choice of customers, etc.
The Macroenvironment is made up of factors that are not controllable, that is, the economic situation of the target audience, political issues, variation in the value of money, share prices, etc.
Given this, we then move on to describing the best strategy.
This acronym, which many may not know, was invented in 1960 by Albert Humphrey and is the form of business analysis most used by all companies worldwide.
It is extremely important for anyone in the business of making money online to use this scheme.
The meaning of the acronym is as follows:
These are the strengths of the company or the Affiliate Marketer, the characteristics that make him stand out among the rest. It could be the products or the way to promote them.
The seller’s weaknesses are those things that must be improved quickly and in which there must be some time spent so that they can be resolved.
These are those unique opportunities that arise at a given moment, such as greater demand for the product you are promoting, or any special promotion you may offer.
Threats to your business, such as increased competition, the disappearance of a website you use, or losing access to an online account.
After carrying out this analysis you will have a very clear idea of how your business is, or will be, organized and where it needs to improve to be more successful.
Defining Objectives
It is one of the most important points and one that most people forget!
Define personal and monetary objects, how many sales you intend to make, deadlines, values, number of customers…
It is essential to make this definition as it will make an extremely important contribution to defining the attack strategy. It is also important to remember that these objectives can, and should, be updated depending on the circumstances. But always have defined goals!
UVP – Unique Value Proposition
Another fundamental aspect is to clearly define the values of your proposal, that is, how much the product you are promoting costs, but also what special characteristics it has. When you choose, or create a certain product, you are guaranteed that there are already other competitors with similar offers. It is therefore very important that it is clearly defined what special features this product has and what advantage it has in terms of price compared to its competitors.
This information is very important to define as it should appear in a prominent area on your Landing Page, in your ads, posts, and emails.
Define target audience
One of the biggest advantages that the internet offers in terms of digital marketing is the possibility of obtaining results and specific information about the people who see our advertisements.
This allows the creation of a database with all the necessary information. After that, it becomes very important to analyze this data to understand the type of people who are most interested in your product and from there create a “persona”, that is, the definition of the type of audience in which you are most interested in investing. to get more sales.
To do this, never forget to strictly track everything! Only then will you be able to obtain all the necessary information?
KPI – Key Performance Indicators
These terms refer to performance indicators that can be translated into numerical values and therefore can be measured and analyzed.
Some of these factors include campaign time, number of sales, amount of daily traffic, costs, profit, and capture rate, among many others.
Content Strategy
Probably the most important part is the content that is produced by the seller. This content must be easily accessible and its publication must be properly organized.
This means that first the keywords that will be associated must be defined. To prepare this list, several online tools provide important help, such as Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, SEMrush, Ubersuggest, among others.
The second part must involve scheduling the content, which is something that is often forgotten but is extremely important not only for organizing the work but also for getting customers used to the fact that on X day there will be new content.
The last aspect is how the content is promoted, that is, whether it will be done regularly on a blog or Facebook group, or whether it will be through paid systems such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, or even through Solo Ads.
Perhaps it is the factor that most defines the way a business can grow. The personal budget must be very well defined to avoid substantial losses of money, which in turn could result in the end of the business.
Because of this, it is essential to define in detail how much money you will earn per month when purchasing ads, solo ads, the different applications you use, and content production, among others.
It is also essential to define return goals, that is, to create deadlines to try to reach a certain profit value. If this value is reached, or if it is not, an adjustment must be made to the strategy used. This adaptation should be done weekly or monthly, depending on the type of product being promoted.
All these indicators and strategies are data that allow you to organize your business logically and reduce possible monetary losses to the maximum. It is therefore very important to have everything very well defined so that you can update the strategy used.
Did you already know all these indications? What method do you currently use? Comment below.
Ricardo D’almeida